“The Dreaming: Perfect Collection” For Sale at Oz Comic-Con!!

Hi all! I’ve imported 20 copies of “The Dreaming: Perfect Collection”! I’ll be selling them at Oz Comic-Con Brisbane/Sydney, which is this weekend for Brisbane and the next weekend for Sydney. I’m selling these books for $30 each, so drop by my table if you’re going to the shows!

As you all probably know, ever since the collapse of TOKYOPOP, these books have been near impossible to get in Australia without frightful shipping costs. I’m now looking into ways to fix this since there’s a demand for the books – so fingers crossed!

Fabled Kingdom: I’ve been working hard on “Fabled Kingdom”, and I’m now halfway through Chapter 14, which is the last chapter of book 2. I was hoping to get book 2 done before Oz Comic-Con in Brisbane and Sydney this year (see “appearances” above), but oh well… I’m not behind schedule, so no need to rush. Book 2 is still coming out in December this year, so no big deal.


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